Risk Assessment/ Updating CDD


A risk assessment is the basis for your complete compliance framework. The first step of the risk assessment process is to identify the specific risks of the products, services, customers, entities, and geographic locations unique to your institution. With practical examples we will explain how to execute such an assessment. Based on that assessment we will assist you in understanding the complete file review procedure, and subsequently the documentation thereof.


  • Applicable legislation and regulations (legal requirements)
  • Business Risk Assessment & Procedures
  • Risk assessment customers
  • (Ongoing) Customer Due Diligence
  • File Review (scope, execution, documentation)
  • Trigger moments
  • Remediation

Target group

  • Compliance Officer
  • Compliance department personnel
  • Personnel involved in performing CDD and File Review


This training will assist you with understanding the whole file review procedure based on the applicable laws. From the decisions on how often to review, to the content and scope of the review, the execution of the review and subsequently the documentation thereof. Furthermore, this training will assist you to take proper actions based on your results.


There are no requirements for participation.

Duration of the training

The duration of the training is 8 hours.


Price: AWG/ANG 650,= excluding taxes

Costs includes:  Training sheets, Certificate of participation and a lunch.


Please check our Training Calendar to see when/where this training is planned. In case you are interested in the training but it’s not planned yet please send us an email: training@compliance-caribbean.com, including name training + preferred location, and we will inform you once the training is planned.