Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)


The internet has become an integral part of daily (work) life. Digital sources contain a lot of information, some of which can be valuable for compliance tasks such as conducting customer due diligence. Information can be collected about persons, organizations and events. Filtering through all this information can be challenging. Therefore it is necessary to have the skills and tools to find useful information in the most efficient information.


  • Using Open Sources for Due Dilligence
  • Types of sources available
  • Using social media as an investigative tool
  • Benefits and limitations of internet and open source investigations
  • Safety measures
  • Research techniques
  • Google search operators
  • Search engine excluding results
  • Working of search engine
  • Facebook Graph
  • Tor Browser
  • LinkedIn research
  • Finding username/ Nickname
  • Plugins/ Tooling
  • Picture investigation
  • Instagram
  • Twitter

Target group

  • Compliance Officer
  • Compliance staff
  • Human Resources staff
  • Any personnel involved in due diligence or investigations.


After this training you will be able to specify your searches to obtain more accurate and faster results. You will also be able to evaluate (the trustworthiness of) the obtained information. Furthermore you will know how to protect your identity when conducting searches.


There are no requirements for participation.

Duration of the training

The duration of the training is 8 hours.


Price: AWG/ANG 710,- / USD 425,- excluding taxes

Costs includes:  Training sheets, Certificate of participation and Lunch.


Please check our Training Calendar to see when/where this training is planned. In case you are interested in the training but it’s not planned yet please send us an email:, including name training + preferred location, and we will inform you once the training is planned.