Fraud detection & Awareness


Fraud can be difficult to prove. Even when fraud is detected, it is certainly not easy to determine the people and amount involved.  Fraud evidence can be challenging to gather, the fraudster will often deny that he has committed any fraud. He will argue that there is no money missing and will blame it on administrative errors. Or he will say that he has indeed used money from his employer, but…… it was only intended as “a loan”.

It is important to determine whether fraud has been committed and the scope thereof. If you want to recover money from a fraudster, you should also know the complete amount involved. Reporting fraud to the police cannot be based on vague suspicions: the more complete your complaint, the faster the prosecutor tends to start an investigation and to prosecute. Also, if you want to start a civil action, you must demonstrate that you have suffered material damage and how much it is. Even for tax and insurance purposes it is important to have evidence of its occurrence and the complete amount defrauded.


this training, particular attention will be given to:

  • The concept of fraud;
  • Suspected fraud and fraud indicators
  • Suspension and dismissal
  • Collection of evidence/documentation which can stand the test of legal scrutiny
  • Type of investigations: Internal – Independent
  • Steps to a successful Investigation
  • Reporting the results
  • Fraud prevention measures

Target group

  • Compliance officers
  • Internal and external auditors
  • Management


After the training you will be able to identify fraud in an earlier stage, you will realize the importance of collecting evidence which can stand the test of legal scrutiny and you will have the knowledge about basic investigations / the setup of such an investigation.


You do not need a specific other training in order to participate. Some years’ experience in your own sector is recommendable.


The duration of the training is 8 hours.


Price: AWG/ANG 710,=  excluding taxes

Costs includes:  Training sheets, Lunch & Certificate of participation.


Please check our Training Calendar to see when/where this training is planned. In case you are interested in the training but it’s not planned yet please send us an email:, including name training + preferred location, and we will inform you once the training is planned.