Compliance in Depth


The sequel to the Basic course with more in-depth training on Money Laundering, terrorist financing and fraud. This training will ioncrease your knowlegde on how to set up an effective compliance work program and how to conduct a risk assessment. It will get you more insight into the integrity guidelines of the supervisor and provide you with tools to conduct financial investigations & interview techniques.


  • Money laundering / financing of terrorism, current issues and typologies;
  • (Differentiated) Customer Due Diligence, a Risk Based Approach;
  • Compliance (year) program, including the shift in compliance activities;
  • The role of the Compliance Officer;
  • Incident and whistleblowing policy;
  • PEP, corruption and international framework;
  • Interview techniques;
  • Financial investigations techniques;
  • Reporting: required compliance reports.

Target group

  • Personnel of Financial Institutions (Banks, Casino’s, Money Transfer Businesses)
  • Accountants, Tax Advisers, Notaries, Lawyers and other personnel of designated non-financial institutions
  • All Compliance Department personnel


This training will broaden your knowledge in the area of compliance where more in depth compliance topics are discussed.  You will learn about a risk-based approach to CDD and how to set up a Compliance Work Program. Also, you will gain more insight into the integrity policy and applicable laws as well as the approach of PEPs and corruption. The training will also focus on financial investigations and interview techniques. Furthermore, new developments in the field of compliance will be discussed.


Some years’ experience in the sector is recommended and preferably having completed the Compliance Basis course. Please contact us if you would like us to assess your eligibility for this training.

Duration of the training

5 half day training sessions, with a choice for one half-day between offshore and onshore. This is to highlight the challenges that characterize the sector.


Costs are AWG/ANG 1.675, – excluding taxes

Cost includes: Training materials and a Certificate of participation after positive completion of the test.


Please check our Training Calendar to see when/where this training is planned. In case you are interested in the training but it’s not planned yet please send us an email:, including name training + preferred location, and we will inform you once the training is planned.