Compliance for Casinos


In the efforts against money laundering and terrorism casinos are subject to a list of requirements as set forth in both national and international laws and regulations based on the fact that casinos are categorized as designated non-financial institutions in those laws. The daily operations of casinos tend to be intrinsically different than many other organizations that are subject to the same laws. Therefore, it is important to fully assess a casino’s operations to ensure that all compliance activities meet the legal requirements in a manner that best suits the organization.
During the training we will specifically focus on the challenges for casinos to comply with the legislation illustrated with practical examples and discuss Money Laundering typologies for casinos.


  • Applicable legislation and regulations
  • Business Risk Assessment & Procedures
  • Customer Due Diligence
  • Assessing risk of casino games
  • Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)
  • Staff training

Target group

  • Compliance Officers
  • Internal audit staff
  • Casino (floor) personnel


This training will teach you about the legal requirements as set forth in national and international laws and ways to meet these requirements. You will learn about assessing the risk of your organization’s activities and how to translate that in to your policy and procedures. You will also learn about the need to ‘know your clients’ and how to incorporate that in to daily casino operations.


There are no requirements for participation.

Duration of the training

The duration of the training is 4 hours.


Price: AWG/ANG 380,= excluding taxes

Costs includes:  Training sheets & Certificate of participation.


Please check our Training Calendar to see when/where this training is planned. In case you are interested in the training but it’s not planned yet please send us an email:, including name training + preferred location, and we will inform you once the training is planned.